I DID IT!! DC United's 2006

I'm a big kid now!!

Two months of sporadic toil finally came to an end today with the posting of the 12th and final installment of my team-by-team reveiw of Major League Soccer's (MLS) 2006 season.

You can find links to reviews for every MLS team - including your own - by clicking the link to my bio page. Feel free to weigh in, tell me what I missed, where I'm wrong, add something, take something away, etc. The more people chip into this thing, the more accurately the "story of 2006" will read for one little corner of posterity.

In any case, DC United's 2006 served as the final subject. If you're so inclined, pop by andt tell me what you think of it. As usual, that's over on Write On Sports. I'm not sure how long it will stay up, but the very kind folks on the site have set up a lovely plug on the site's home page. I count it a good thing to see MLS featured on the front page of any site.


So...that's that. Wow. I don't quite know what to do with myself now....any thoughts?


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